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제 1 호 Baek, Ehunggi, President of Sangmyung University, Visit to Myanmar

  • 작성일 2019-03-26
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 8792

Kicker: SM News


Baek Ehunggi, President of Sangmyung University, has prepared a bridgehead for exchange and cooperation with Myanmar


By Su-jeong Sim, Reporter



상명대학교 백웅기 총장 왼쪽에서 세 번째 일행이 미얀마 양곤외국어대학 총장을 만나 양 대학간 교류협력에 대해 논의했다. 상명대학교


Sangmyung University announced that President Baek Ehunggi visited Yangon, Myanmar, on February 12th~13th, and set up a bridgehead for exchanges and cooperation with various institutions in Myanmar. 

Jo Hang-rok, head of the Foreign Cooperation Agency, and Choi Eun-jeong, president of the Graduate School of Business, accompanied him and discussed ways to cooperate with each other in Myanmar.

With Yangon University of Foreign Studies' President-in-chief, they discussed exchange and cooperation, including exchange of students and professors from both universities, and the promotion of joint research projects.

They visited the Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) to discuss the establishment of a short-term management program for corporate executives in Myanmar.

They discussed holding a mini-MBA program, which will run for about two weeks within this year, at Sangmyung University. Afterwards, they discussed setting up an opening propel of MBA course for executives and employees of the Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The meeting was attended by key officials, including the Adviser to the Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar (former Chairman) and the Vice Chairman. 


Source: http://www.metroseoul.co.kr/news/newsview?newscd=2019021700090